When teenage movie star Graham Larkin accidentally sends small town girl Ellie O'Neill an email about his pet pig, the two seventeen-year-olds strike up a witty and unforgettable correspondence, discussing everything under the sun, except for their names or backgrounds.
Then Graham finds out that Ellie's Maine hometown is the perfect location for his latest film, and he decides to take their relationship from online to in-person. But can a star as famous as Graham really start a relationship with an ordinary girl like Ellie? And why does Ellie want to avoid the media's spotlight at all costs?
Here's author under ATR Spotlight (Along The Road )
Akansha :What made you write This Is What Happy Looks Like ,( or prompted you as in the first time you thought about it's characters) ?
Jennifer : The book starts with a misdirected email, and as someone with a very common name, this sort of things happens to me a lot. I’ve always wondered about the person who mistakenly gets a lot of my emails, and what would happen if they wrote back to the sender and they somehow struck up a friendship or relationship, and that seemed like an interesting place to start a love story.
Akansha : What is your writing process like? Any must haves while writing like chocolate, soda, or candles? Do you write from beginning to end or in pieces?
Jennifer : There is absolutely no kind of science to my writing process. Every day is different. I’m sort of all over the place. I don’t write at a certain time every day, I don’t even write every single day. Sometimes I wish I had more of a routine, but I guess it’s good to keep things interesting too…
Akansha : Describe your novel in three words
Jennifer : Unexpected love story.
Akansha : Does your novel have any parallels that could be drawn from your life ?
Jennifer : There are always bits and pieces of my own life in my stories, but they’re usually small parts that are scattered throughout. In the book, Graham picks up a heart shaped rock on the beach, and I actually still have one I found on a beach in Maine years ago. Things like that. But for the most part, it’s strictly fiction!
Akansha : When did you first start writing and how has writing helped you in real life ?
Jennifer : I started writing when I was very young, probably around ten, but I never expected to have the opportunity to do it professionally, so I feel very lucky. It’s helped in real life in countless ways, I think, but mainly I guess I’ve become a much more observant person. As a writer, you’re like a magpie, always stealing great words or bits of conversation to use later.
Akansha : What is something readers would be surprised to know about you?
Jennifer :I actually have two other jobs in addition. I’m also an editor at a major publisher, and on the weekends, I teach therapeutic horseback riding to kids with disabilities.
Akansha : Which sky do you think you are and why so ( Bright Blue , Light Red at sunrise/sunset or dark with clouds and thunder or one of those fall/autumn skies ) ?
Great question! Probably an autumn sky on one of those endlessly blue days.
Akansha : What are you next planning to work on ?
Jennifer : I’m in the middle of my next YA novel, which is another love story, though it’s still a bit too early to talk about it beyond that! I’m hoping to finish soon…
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